5 meditative quotes to prepare for a peaceful weekend
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Can you believe it’s been a month since the launch of The Attitude Revolution?! It feels like yesterday and a million years ago all at the same time.
To celebrate my first month anniversary, I want to share with you the incredible, transformative health journey of my friend Kate Mackie.
Kate is living proof that a positive attitude, fierce self love, and a commitment to wellbeing will enable you to change your mind about your body.
Enter Kate…
1. What has been your health journey?
My first attempt at a ‘health journey’ as at age 25, losing about 30 kilos on a Medically Controlled Meal Replacement Diet. I didn’t keep the weigh off for long, and 7 years later, by age 32, I was another 10 kilos heavier than I was before the ‘shake diet’. 12 months ago, I started transforming my mind and body in relation to health, fitness and nutrition, with Michelle Bridges’ 12 Week Body Transformation and I have now shed 46kilos from my body - from 108.8kg down to 62.9kg.
2. How did you use to feel about your body?
I wasn’t happy with how it looked, how I couldn’t buy the clothes I wanted to wear which would express my personal style, and I would say the last few years before losing weight, I was starting to get a little bit scared whether I was going to have a very long life.
3. Have you changed your mind about your body? How do you feel about your body now?
Now I know how strong my body is, and how much more it can do for me than I thought possible before. I care about it more, so I look after it more, filling it with healthy fuel to give me strength and energy. I think it will last me a lot longer than it would have before - plus I don’t mind how it looks now either…
4. What is your battlecry of love, your mantra of compassion that turns you from fear to joy?
A lot of the time, if I can’t be stuffed with a workout, and I’m just trying to keep going, I will say ‘do it for Mish!!’ as it is Michelle’s program that has helped me to get where I am. Also many times I say things like ‘I’m strong!/I can do this!/Look at what you have achieved so far. I encourage myself with positivity based upon what I know I can do, and that I want to achieve more!
5. What would you say to inspire someone to change their mind about their body?
Do something that makes you feel positive about your body, and what it can do for you. Let it show you that it can run or skip or dance, to lift heavy things, and stretch far. Obviously losing weight and seeing myself shrink helped me to feel more positive about my body, so look after your body by making healthy nutritional choices, and your body will be nice to you, which in turn, will help with feeling more positive about yourself.
If you want to read more about Kate’s inspirational journey, you can check out her blog.
Enter Tahlee…
It has been an amazing first month here at TAR. I have learnt a buttload, and I have been inspired and supported along the way by so many people who rock my world.
Thank you so much to all my wellness & wisdom gurus who contributed their battlecries of love to my first round up post. And of course, huge thanks to you, you Attitude Revolutionary, for reading, commenting, subscribing, tweeting, liking and sharing this amazing journey.
A few days after the launch, the gorgeous Navjit Kandola (one of the original wisdom gurus) asked me what my battlecry of love was.
I’ve been thinking a lot about it over the last few weeks and I think this is it.
“I love you”.
At first I wanted to think of something powerful like Chris Guillebeau’s mantra. Or something selfless like Corbett Barr’s. Or peaceful like my mentor Rhonda Jurd.
But I realised these 3 things,
• My battlecry is my truth, which makes it authentic
• It enables me to soothe, delight & empower myself so I’m in a better position to help others.
• It is a mantra that has been a long time coming.
Over to you…
Have you figured out your battlecry of love yet? Please share in the comments. Have you had a transformative health journey that you’d like to share? Drop me a line at [email protected]
Ps - If you know someone who might need a bit of revolutionary self-love or inspiration, please share this post with them.
Calories in < Calories Out = weight loss
How many times have you heard this grim equation?
Look, you can’t argue with physics – it’s true, you need to consume less calories than you burn in order to lose weight. But the Calories In & Out debate is only a small part of the overall health equation.
Protein > Fat > Carbs
In the weight loss equation, protein fares slightly better than fat which fares slightly better than carbs. ie – people who got the majority of their calories from protein were able to lose & maintain more weight than those on fat or carb rich diets.
But don’t fall into the trap of thinking carbs are evil. In his fantastic book, In Defense of Food, Michael Pollan shows that historically each main component of food has been vilified at some point. While these days everyone seems to be terrified of carbs, in the 90s it was fat, and in the 50s it was protein.
You do need all three macronutrients in your diet. Your brain requires glucose (from carbs) to function; some vitamins are only fat soluble (so you need fat in your diet to absorb them); and protein helps build muscle (so you don’t shrivel down to a skeleton).
Eating X calories ≠ Y hours of exercise
I bet you’ve seen a ton of calories vs exercise equations. They go something like “eat a Mars Bar and run on the treadmill for 3 hours”. The only thing these equations are good for is understanding calorie density. Food manufacturers have managed to condense massive amounts of calories into tiny tasty morsels.
From an evolutionary perspective, to get the same amount of calories from a Mars Bar you probably would have had to eat the entire wildebeest yourself.
So understanding calorie density is important.
But to then think the only way you could eat anything is to hold a mental (or physical) calculation of how much exercise you need to do in order to burn it off is a waste of your time.
Your body is an incredibly complex organisation of 50 trillion cells all working together to keep you alive, conscious, safe and content.
The amount of body mass (which includes organs & bones), the amount of lean muscle mass, your hormones and your genetics all play a part in how many calories your burn just by sitting reading this blog. Let alone how many you burn while you’re exercising.
Exercise = BIG PICTURE
Ya gotta look at the big picture.
Exercise gives you a TON of benefits that far outweigh just burning off your food. Increasing lung capacity, cardio endurance, and building lean muscle mass are all obvious and long touted ones.
Moreover, it helps you be able to run for the bus, carry the heavy shopping up the stairs, pick up a child, play in the park with them, it gives you emotional resilience so you can comfort a friend, increases your libido (wink wink nudge nudge) and lifts your mood.
In fact exercise was the Number 1 factor in improving wellbeing across a huge cross section of studies. Check out this amazing animation called 23 and 1/2 hours by Dr Mike Evans.
Food + Do + Positive Attitude = Good Mood
Personally, I prefer this equation for sustainable health.
Eat wholesome, nutritious food that brings you joy.
Do a type of exercise / form of movement every day that brings you joy.
Have an attitude of gratitude.
Over to you? Do you have any health equations? What do you think of counting calories?
Greetings comrade!
A very special welcome to The Attitude Revolution if you are visiting from Destination Wellness & Wellbeing.
This site is dedicated to helping you change your mind about your body with heartfelt and practical strategies, so you can start loving who you are and the body you’re in.
Everyone is totally unique and no-one except for you truly understands what is best for you, and your highest good. So these strategies are designed for you to connect to your inner truth, unlock understanding and help you do a 180 degree turn towards love and joy.
I hope you enjoy your time here and that you’ll join the Attitude Revolution. You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. And so you never miss an update, subscribe for weekly transmissions delivered straight to your inbox.
ps - Thank you Dani Pepper for your amazing website and your beautiful post.
This isn’t a real post. It is complete navel gazing. But I needed to write from the heart.
Today I am grieving. Today I am heartbroken. Today I lost my beautiful cat.
Compared to the many greivances and suffering in this world, the death of a pet seems small. But my partner and I loved her, and I know she loved us. We all had a very special bond. She was our furbaby.
She possessed many qualities which I aspire to. She was intensely curious, actively playful, very gentle, and lovingly affectionate.
We named her Neko-chan (which is Japanese for kitty-cat). We rescued her from the RSPCA when she was 11 months old in February last year. So I know that for at least half her life she was loved and taken care of. I think she was grateful to us for that, and I am grateful for the joy she brought to our daily lives.
These are the very small ways I am trying to cope with the very sudden loss.
This pain has very much triggered my desire to binge like crazy and numb myself with sugary sweetness. I’m trying hard to find other ways to comfort myself. If you have any other tips or strategies on how to cope with loss, I’d love to hear them.
Again, apologies for the self-indulgent post. I will write a real one soon.
Thank you for understanding.
An Attitude Revolution original inspired by the movie “HappyThankYouMorePlease”
Whipped into shape. Ripped. Cut. Chisled. Sculpted. Smashed.
Sound familiar?
Think about all those words for a second and imagine that this was really happening to your body.
Horrible thought. Let’s get rid of it immediately.
So why is this kind of terminology, this vernacular so rife in the health & fitness industry?
I, for one am sick of it!
Exercise is NOT punishment for eating “bad” food. It is not the antidote to laziness. You do not need to be whipped into shape.
Intense exercise is fine. Feeling a litle tired or a bit sore after a workout is fine.
Using vicious language to motivate yourself or others to exercise is not fine.
“What? No way! If I do that I’d never go to the gym and then I’d be fat and lazy”.
Yep, I’ve heard that voice too and guess what? That voice is a liar and I’ll tell you why.
When you use fear and anger to motivate yourself, after a while one of two things happen:
i.You become demoralised and stop trying anyway. Hello self-fulfilling prophecy.
ii.You rebel and quit. Dammit, you’ve become a prophet again.
Fear and anger take away your power. And the second you’ve lost your power is the second the countdown begins to resentment or apathy.
Both are absolute joy-suckers and neither sustain motivation.
So how do you do the 180 on motivation for workouts so you can feel good, face them with joy, and keep at them forever?
1. Get clear about your purpose for exercise. Ensure that it is for your highest good and nothing else. So ask yourself, how do you want to feel because of exercise?
The conversation might go a little something like this…
Q. Why are you doing this workout?
A. To lose weight.
Q. Why do you want to lose weight?
A. So I can fit into that skirt I like
Q. Why do you want to fit into that skirt you like?
A. Because it’s a relief to wear something that fits.
BINGO! You want to feel relief. This workout will bring you relief.
Q. Why are you doing this workout?
A. To tone my abs
Q. Why do you want to tone your abs?
A. So I look hot in a bikini
Q. Why do you want to look hot in a bikini?
A. So feel at ease when I’m lounging by the pool.
HUZZAH! You want to feel ease. This workout will bring you ease.
2. Make that mood your mantra.
“I workout to feel at ease” “I workout to feel at ease” “I workout to feel at ease”
3. Use kindness, delight & gratitude.
Drop the horrible language. Now. Find a word that is completely opposite to your favourite workout word. For example, if you want to “look cut”, flip it to “looking defined”.
Just before your workout, think of a place that brings you utter delight. That beach from your honeymoon. That cosy chair by a roaring fire on a chilly winter’s night. That amazing holiday. Breathe into that memory and embody that delight.
During your workout, use gratitude. Rather than look at your legs with disgust while you try to chisel them into perfection, be thankful that your legs are able to carry you with strength and dignity wherever you go.
After your workout, thank yourself for taking time to bring fresh oxygen to your brain, lungs and muscles. Thank your 50 trillion cells for working together for your highest good – to keep you alive and kicking.
These 3 steps have helped me immensely to transform my workouts into a pleasurable time for me to nurture my body and move with joy. I hope these steps have helped you too.
Let me know, is “whipping yourself into shape” something you’ve struggled with? Do you have any other tips to share about making workouts enjoyable? How funny is that photo?!
Yes, beginning to ride a bike is tricky. It’s wobbly and slightly terrifying and you are relying on someone much larger than yourself to hold you steady while you learn.
But you’re not really learning to ride a bike. You’re transitioning between not knowing how to ride a bike (really easy) to knowing exactly how to ride a bike (also really easy).
My trainer once told me “Strength is a skill”.
When I’m showing a client how to do an exercise for the first time, the first response is usually “What?! I can’t do that!”
Then I make them do it they give it a go.
Their form is terrible; there are usually a few wobbles and a furrowed brow; and one particular client of mine had a very cute habit of poking the tip of her tongue out while she was concentrating. As a trainer, I’ll have to make some adjustments, coach them through while correcting their form, and reminding them how to breathe while they do it. And after a while, lo, behold – they manage to squeeze out a few reps of fantastic form, and prove to themselves they can do it after all. Ta da!
While the client is integrating all this complex information of movement, form, breath, balance and control, their brains are wiring together new neural pathways. With repetition the pathways become stronger and thicker, making it easier to recall exactly how to perform the exercise next time. (That’s why you never forget how to ride a bike).
And the more I think about that statement “Strength is a skill” I realise that I can apply that to so many areas of my life. Everything is a skill and I can choose to unlearn old ways and form new pathways.
I can create the patterns of my desire through mindful repetition.
Choosing to eat wholesome food that I like can be tricky at first. I’ve built up patterns of either eating
a) food that does not serve my highest purpose but tastes amazing;
b) food that does serve me but tastes like shredded cardboard.
So as I transition to my new pattern, I need to consciously choose and reinforce this message “I choose food that tastes good AND feels good”.
Exhibit A
There is a coffee shop near my work that sells amazing banana bread and delicious gluten free bread. When I go to get my mid-morning coffee, I have a choice. Do I choose the squishy, oh-so-tasty high GI banana bread laden with gluten (of which I am intolerant) and that’ll I burn through in an hour? Or do I choose the delicious gluten free pumpkin bread, lightly toasted with fresh avocado and a sprinkling of salt and pepper that will fill me with sustained energy?
Each choice is equally delicious. One choice will bring me pleasure, but not joy.
Each time I consciously choose the food that tastes good AND feels good (it’s the gluten free bread with avocado btw) I strengthen a pattern of my desire.
Over time, this pattern becomes easier and easier.
And after a while, lo behold – I’m choosing yummy nutritious food without obsessing over it even thinking about it and I can go about my day. Ta da!
What new pattern will you choose? Got any mindfulness tips? Do you have a cute concentration habit? Share in the comments below.
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