Recipe Remix (n.) - A traditional recipe that has been altered to produce a healthier version
I am beyond excited to share with you today my top ten foodie blogs that contain what I call “recipe remixes” - which go to show that pleasurable food + healthy food don’t have to be mutually exclusive.
The wonderful thing about all of these blogs is that it’s not just about food or healthy eating. These blogs are inspirational + motivational to boot. Many of the bloggers discuss ways they’ve overcome disordered eating, how they’ve changed their health for the better or how you can integrate positive thinking into your day.
So, in no particular order, and without further ado…
DAMY Health
My first foray into recipe remixes came when I stumbled across Amy’s blog. Love soaked inspiration combined with the most delectable desserts made from the most surprising ingredients had me hooked.
Still to this day my all time fave is her Healthy Chocolate Cake Batter Dip that I eat with slices of apple, or just with a spoon. Right. Out. Of. The. Bowl.
Oh She Glows
Angela began her blog to talk about recovering from an eating disorder, but it quickly grew into a way to celebrate her new found relationship with food + zest for creating healthy recipes.
She creates wonderful vegan recipes + healthy treats that even carnivores like me love. (Don’t believe me? Check out comments on her recipe posts).
Homemade vegan “rolo” knock offs anyone?
Chocolate Covered Katie
The name says it all. Katie finds a way to use chocolate in ev.ry.thing + converts decadent desserts into healthier versions - like the The Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie.
She is living, glowing proof that you can have your chocolate covered cake + eat it too.
Need allergy free recipes? Or flying solo + need cake for one? Katie’s got you covered there too.
Crazy Sexy Kris
After documenting her struggle with + triumph over a rare, terminal form of cancer in Crazy Sexy Cancer - Kris Carr began a wellness revolution (+ you gotta love a good revolution, right?).
She’s just released her first cookbook, Crazy Sexy Kitchen, which is blowing up the blogosphere + just went #6 on the New York Times Best Seller list.
An avid vegan + plant power crusader, Kris builds a strong community by sharing some of her incredible recipes - like her Save the Tuna Salad - and inviting her fans to do the same.
Purely Twins
Lori + Michelle are two gorgeous identical twins that run their own healthy bakery + generously share their own recipes. Plus they blog about how they’ve healed their skin + digestive problems, share workouts + are Fitfluential ambassadors.
Many of their recipes - like their Mini Triple Chocolate Cream Cake recipe - are free of common allergy ingredients so are great for people suffering with food allergies / intolerances.
They experiment with lots of different ingredients, so a trip to the health food store is in order, if you want to recreate their superfood-nutrient-packed yet delicious recipes.
If you thought that eating raw food was akin to eating rabbit food, think again. Susan Powers shows you how to create nutrient dense raw food recipes “without sacrificing the taste and presentation of traditional recipes”.
Her blog has photos that (no word of a lie) make me want to lick the screen. Seriously. Look at her Raw Chocolate Covered Nutella Macaroons + tell me you don’t want to too.
Fork + Beans
Every recipe on Fork + Beans is made without gluten, eggs, and dairy but, according to Cara “you will never taste the difference!”
After struggling miserably with digestive issues, poor eating habits + deteriorating self esteem - Cara discovered she had a host of allergies that contributed to her painful digestion + lack of energy. So she transformed herself with love + nourishing (non-allergy inducing) food.
Now Cara transforms classic recipes - like Peppermint Patties - into raw, vegan, gluten free goodness.
The Spunky Coconut
After discovering her family’s health issues disappeared after going gluten free, then dairy free, then sugar free - Kelly now creates healthy food that is so delicious, no-one in her family feels deprived. Her radical change in diet (along with other biomedical treatments) has seen herself + her loved ones overcome coeliac disease, ADD + autism with great success.
Her Avocado + Pear Baby Food Pops clearly show why she was voted in the Top 25 Food Allergy Mom Blogs in 2011; and how healthy eating can begin at any age.
The Vedge
Shae is slowly but surely turning her health around after becoming a gluten-free vegan.
Not only does she have fabulous recipes all over her blog, but she also has an Allergy Card iPhone app to help you stay allergy free when dining out. How clever is that?!
And can you believe this creamy looking mac-and-cheese is vegan?! Nom nom nom.
The Yummy Life
The thing I think I love the most about Monica’s blog, is that she provides a bunch of different flavours in most recipes. Like her Salad in a Jar recipe - there’s 4 different ways you can make it.
And lemme tell ya, they are the bomb for pre-prepared non-soggy salads for lunches on the go. It’s a great place to start if you want to begin incorporating more healthy food into your routine without the more exotic ingredients other healthy bloggers sometimes use.
I just realised looking through this post that 60% of the recipes are some kind of chocolate based recipe. Clearly I’m biased but if you’re not a chocoholic, have a browse around these sites anyway as their recipes are more diverse than perhaps I’ve portrayed…
Have I missed someone? I’m always keen to try new recipes so share your favourite recipe remixer in the comments!